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Our Vision

Improve kidney health outcomes for members of the African, Caribbean and Black communities.

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Facts about Kidney Failure

  • Most patients with kidney failure will need to be treated with kidney replacement treatments kidney transplant or dialysis.
  • In general, people who receive a kidney transplant may live longer and their quality of life is better compared to being treated with dialysis.
  • Kidney transplant from living donor can happen faster and lasts longer compared to kidney transplant from a deceased donor.

What is the concern?

  • Most patients with kidney failure will need to be treated with kidney replacement treatments kidney transplant or dialysis.
  • In general, people who receive a kidney transplant may live longer and their quality of life is better compared to being treated with dialysis.
  • Kidney transplant from living donor can happen faster and lasts longer compared to kidney transplant from a deceased donor.

This information hub was co-developed in collaboration with lay and professional members of ACB Communities to address this disparity in kidney health by providing comprehensive and holistic information about kidney health, disease and treatment options that is relevant to ACB Communities.

Our Mission

Provide culturally responsive information about kidney health, kidney disease and LDKT in ACB communities.

Improve access to kidney health and kidney care and reduce inequities seen in ACB communities

Foster collaboration between health professionals and ACB communities.

Improve health care delivery through community involvement, co-development approach, outreach and education to build trust

Provide a culturally safe environment for members of ACB communities to discuss kidney health.

Provide a platform for health professionals to better understand and meet the information needs of individuals at risk of kidney disease and those at different stages of kidney disease.

Our Values

Community input
& perspectives
Diversity& inclusion
Holistic health

Our Team

Istvan Musci, PhD Co-Lead Investigator
Carl E. James, PhD Co-Lead Investigator
Paula Neves, PhD Co-Investigator
Nicole Woods, PhD Co-Investigator
Jacqui Getfield, PhD Project Manager

Our Partner Organizations

Have questions? Contact us.

The adaptation of Kidney Health Education African, Caribbean and Black Communities was supported by unrestricted education grant from:

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